Our Crops Are In
Good Hands

Our Quality

It Truly Shows in Taste and Size

Our quality blueberries and raspberries comes from our expert farmers that know proper berry growth and care. Expertise is a requirment to handle such delicate produce such as berries, and finding the right balance between all aspects of growth is paramount. That's why, after decades of experience, we believe our berries are in an excellent position that yields bigger berries, better taste, and easy access for picking.

Professional Pruning

Proper Care Shows in Growth

Pruning is one of the most important aspects of berry farming, especially for younger bushes. While younger bushes can produce larger berries, our pruning team ensures that there are enough nutrients for berry growth by cutting away old growth or over-growth. We also prune for convenience of the pickers, to have 'easier-to-reach' berries so that time is not wasted. We desire full buckets and quality produce, more so than quantity.

Recent Changes For 2019

As an update to all pickers, we have recently pruned all of our blueberry and raspberry fields. As you may know, pruning can only be complete once every 2 years, and the year of pruning is the absolute best year to pick larger berries and fill your buckets twice as fast! We urge any pickers who are looking for a great picking experience this season to stop by our local farm to get started!

Get Directions
Picker's Hotline


Main Office


1279 Sherman Belcher Raod
Centreville, NS B0P 1J0